After his best friend Kevin commits suicide, John decides his life needs a change and he spontaneously heads off to Europe to follow Kevin's muse Solange, a minor pop music diva and eccentric B-movie actress. As the odd pair become embroiled in a world of sex, drugs, and murder the boundaries of trust start to wear thin and John begins to wonder whether Solange is the victim of...


  1. 1王子与贫儿 3.0
  2. 2异样姐妹 6.0
  3. 3“筑”建人生 7.0
  4. 4网上卫士 6.0
  5. 5秋天里的春天 2.0
  6. 6八仙归位 2.0
  7. 7奥莉维娅 7.0
  8. 8琼恩老爹 6.0
  9. 9巴林石传奇 8.0
  10. 10找你算账 4.0
  11. 11不是孤单一人2022 8.0
  12. 12黄昏时分的朋友 10.0
  13. 13如果能在天堂和你相遇 7.0
  14. 14来不及道歉 8.0
  15. 15师弟出马粤语 3.0
  16. 16蔓萝花 5.0
  17. 17火烧岛粤语 4.0
  18. 18熊山冒险 8.0
  19. 19爱,别离 10.0
  20. 20阿尔塔米拉 10.0
  21. 21动物凶灵 3.0
  22. 22鬼狗杀手 5.0
  23. 23夜莺之旅 6.0
  24. 24盗猎 8.0
  25. 25卡门 3.0
  26. 26吉普赛女王 6.0
  27. 27轰炸鲁尔水坝记 5.0
  28. 28狗眼看人心 4.0
  29. 29幸存者游戏 6.0
  30. 30影之车 2.0