Five haunted-house enthusiast friends are still trying to recover from the trauma of being kidnapped the previous Halloween by the Blue Skeleton — a group who takes “extreme haunt” to another level. They decide to face their fears in order to move on and go back out on the road to find more haunted houses. However, ominous signs of the Blue Skeleton start appearing again…


  1. 1毛骨悚然撞鬼经 2016剧场版 9.0
  2. 2变节之潜罪犯 6.0
  3. 3沙丘魔蚁 3.0
  4. 426种死法2 2.0
  5. 5杰西卡 4.0
  6. 6狼溪 7.0
  7. 7瞬间坍塌 1.0
  8. 8被遗忘的海角 1.0
  9. 9东京食尸鬼 真人版2 4.0
  10. 10大鲨鱼 3.0
  11. 11骇故事之暗窗 1.0
  12. 12蜘蛛迷宫 1.0
  13. 13笼里的女人 2.0
  14. 14恶灵古堡 8.0
  15. 15猎捕森林怪兽 10.0
  16. 16捉鬼记 7.0
  17. 17真情难觅 2.0
  18. 18惊魂今晚夜 10.0
  19. 19黑衣女人 5.0
  20. 20狱门岛 6.0
  21. 21飞蛾日记 2.0
  22. 22村长相声哥 10.0
  23. 23鬼镇灵异杀人事件 5.0
  24. 24看不见 Unseen 3.0
  25. 25图腾诅咒 6.0
  26. 26CCTV杀人案件 5.0
  27. 27人性的证明 6.0
  28. 28从地心反击 4.0
  29. 29黄金出口 6.0
  30. 30不死的男人 4.0